an emphasis on drama, maybe to stress the importance, maybe it is important, maybe there is nothing better to do, boredom has won the day and having filled a plate, can be passed around to be enjoyed by all involved, a long awaited for evening must be coming, there is no other explanation, or maybe this is the evening, the ground opens to take back or spew forth, equalizing the score, unequivocal, uninterrupted, unintended, there will be no night..............
the forefront of forgiveness will be forgotten when time heals the salt in wounds, self infliction, sustained nihlistic impulses, a voice of reason in the wind. whispers of violence, pure but not clean, innocent if not acted upon, and then autumn rose from the listless days with a beautiful fury, the likes of which have not been seen in these parts for some time, the story has yet to be written........
from here to there is a few more feet, an extraction from the head of another onto wood, a commission, a fine time had by all, now back to the grindstone..........